HelvePic32 Boards

The HelvePic32 Boards use the Arduino/chipKIT Codebase and can be programmed easily using the Arduino IDE or the UECIDE. The code, which is known from the Arduino platform, can be used on the chipKIT platform with non or minor adjustments. The main differences between chipKIT and Arduino are:

  • more Memory: HelvePic32 Boards have 128kB resp. 256 kB Flash memory (Arduino:32kB)
  • more RAM: HelvePic32 Boards have 32 kB  resp. 64 kB RAM (Arduino 2kB)
  • more Speed: 40 MHZ versus 16 MHz
  • more IO:
    • two independent UART - Arduino uses the pins 0 and 1 for serial communication and programming at the same time. This makes the use of Bluetooth modems a nightmare. HelvePic has two independent serial interfaces. You can connect a Bluetooth or ESP8266 module and still program it with the IDE.
    • two I2C buses
    • 15/29 GPIO pins, all PWM capable
    • 5 interrupts
      • 1 fixed interrupt pin, 4 interrupts map-able to other pins in case of conflict


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HelvePic32 SMD

The new HelvePic32 SMD board adds more power and IO to the HelvePic32 family.


The additional pins are added in the center of the board.


8 pins are aligned with GND and Vcc to build GVS triplets commonly used to add sensors or servos.


The additional 13 pins are aligned in a group of 16 pins includng GND, 3.3V and 5V so that you can connect any breakout board with a 16-wire flat cable (commonly used with LED matrices)


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HelvePic32 kit

For beginners, the HelvePic32 PTH kit offers a nice way to completely solder a microcontroller board using only "Through-Hole" parts.


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The grove wing offers connectivity to the broad choice of Grove modules from Seeedstudio