The new board is using SMD parts and the new PIC32MX270f256D processor. All parts are soldered and ready to use. The SMD chip offers more pins and more memory but uses the exact same code as the PIC32mx250f128B used for the HelvePic32 board to solder yourself.
The two wing rows are identical to the HelvePic32 so that wings can be used on both boards. The additional pins are in the center of the board. The 13 pins form a 2*8 header with 5V, 3.3V and GND at their side. So you can connect any extension with a flat cable.
The lower row of pins are acompanied by GND and Vcc to offer a direct connection of a servo or sensor using the GVS standard.
The two additional UARTs are on seperate pins to connect Bluetooth or ESP8266 Serial breakouts
The two user LEDs are selectable via jumper. If in bootloader mode, LED2 blinks.
The two I2C buses are on a header block with Vcc and GND. Pull-up resistors with 4.7kOhm can be selected via jumpers.
A ESP8266 esp-1 module can be attached to the board directly and is mapped to UART0
The PIC32MX processor allows to assign pin functions to certain pins. By default this is done through the initialization in the code and you do not have to worry about it. But if a functions is on a pin that you want to change, you can map that function to another pin.
But not every pin can be mapped. In the following image, the pins that can be mapped are listed. As the boards definition of the HpevePic32SMD is derived from the boards definitions of the Fubarino Mini, the default values are shown as a F in dark yellow